How To Bleach Bath Hair At Home (Safely) To Remove Color

African American woman with a gentle smile wearing blonde bleached hair with dark brown roots.

Bleach baths accept become then mainstream that most women have heard of them. Merely the question that lingers on for many is: How exactly practise you do a bleach bath on your hair? That'southward what we're going to look at in this article. By the stop, you'll be a bleach bath pro!

Table of Contents

  • ane What Is a Bleach Bath?
  • 2 Bleach Bathroom vs. Regular Bleaching
    • 2.1 Bleach Bath:
    • two.two Regular Bleach:
  • 3 Should You Practise a Bleach Bath?
    • iii.i Remove Traces of Dye
    • 3.2 Lighten Up a Dark Dye Consequence
    • three.3 Lighten Your Natural Hair
    • 3.4 For Problematic Hair
    • iii.five Right Overtoned Hair
  • 4 How to Bleach Bath Pilus at Home: Step-past-Footstep
    • 4.1 Gather Your Ingredients
    • 4.2 Make the Bleach Bath
    • 4.three Prepare Your Bleaching Area
    • 4.four Wet Your Pilus
    • 4.5 Employ the Bleach Mixture
    • Wait for the Bleach Bath to Work
    • 4.7 Rinse Thoroughly
    • iv.viii Rehydrate with Conditioner
  • v Caring for Your Hair Afterwards a Bleach Bathroom
  • half-dozen Pros and Cons of Bleach Baths
    • 6.i Pros:
    • 6.2 Cons:
  • 7 Do's and Don'ts of Bleach Baths
    • 7.i Do's
    • seven.two Don'ts
  • 8 Alternatives to Bleach Baths
    • eight.1 Vitamin C
    • 8.2 Baking Soda
    • viii.iii Lemon Juice
    • 8.iv Related Articles

What Is a Bleach Bath?

Bleach bathing is a bleaching process that is gentler and more gradual than regular bleaching (total-on bleaching). Like bleaching, it does require bleach powder and developer. However, it too requires shampoo to dilute the bleach's lightening chemicals and reduce your chances of irreversible hair damage.

People usually use bleach baths to fade color, correct overtoned hair, or lighten their hair just a touch. Merely it's of import to be enlightened that bleach baths do non effect in drastic color results.

Woman taking an iPhone selfie with blonde hair dye on naturally dark brown coils.

Bleach Bath vs. Regular Bleaching

If you're new to bleaching, you may non know all of the differences between bleach baths and traditional bleaching sessions.

To bolster your understanding, we'll take a look at each of these processes. After you get these differences down, you'll exist able to see whether a bleach bathroom is the right choice for you lot.

Bleach Bath:

  • Uses depression book programmer
  • Incorporates shampoo into the application mix
  • Lightens hair 1 or ii levels
  • Is applied to wet hair
  • Removes stubborn color
  • Causes minimal impairment to your hair
Cute black girl biting her lip with naturally brown hair with blonde highlights following a bleach bath lift.

Regular Bleach:

  • May crave high volume programmer
  • Can lighten hair several levels
  • Is practical to dry out pilus
  • Removes dark colors
  • Can crusade severe brittleness to your hair
  • Should only exist used on healthy pilus

Should You lot Do a Bleach Bath?

Black lady at the beach with damp hair taking a selfie photo with her new iPhone.

There are a few reasons why y'all might choose a bleach bath over the usual bleaching process. And we'll look into all of them below:

Remove Traces of Dye

A bleach bath is perfect for those who want to remove traces of previous dyes from their hair. If your previous color has faded simply is still nowadays, a bleach bathroom will become rid of the remaining bits.

After a bleach bath, yous'll have a more than consistent base. And since bleach baths are relatively gentle, they don't cause too much harm, and you lot can re-dye your hair right abroad.

Lighten Upwardly a Dark Dye Result

If you've used a permanent dye on your hair but aren't happy with it, a bleach bath can help. Information technology can lighten your hair to a softer shade that'due south more habiliment. You lot can also use it to remove color build-up.

Smiling woman with 4C curls that have been dyed blonde with permanent hair dye.

Lighten Your Natural Hair

Bleach baths are also an option for those who want to lighten their natural hair color. Information technology tin can lift your hair color one or ii levels at a fourth dimension, and then you won't get a drastic change.

Merely it will still give you a new and heady shade with less damage. The color issue depends on the developer used, though a depression-volume programmer is recommended for bleach baths.

For Problematic Hair

Frail hair needs to be treated with the utmost care to avoid inflicting damage to it. Though avoiding bleaching and other harsh treatments is best, your hair may be able to handle a bleach bath.

It is much milder than the regular bleaching process, especially if you stick with low book developer. This way, you lot tin can attain lighter hair without visible damage.

Young African woman on a sunny day with her 4C hair dyed blonde with medium brown undertones.

Right Overtoned Hair

Over-toned pilus has absorbed much more than toner than y'all intended. If you are unhappy with the color consequence, yous can use a bleach bath to strip away some of that pigment. A quick bleach bathroom can give yous good re is much quicker than waiting for it to fade naturally.

How to Bleach Bath Hair at Habitation: Step-by-Step

If you're going to endeavor a bleach bathroom, you showtime need to acquire how to do it right. This includes using the proper ingredients and application methods. The post-obit sections will tell yous everything y'all need to know.

Get together Your Ingredients

To make a bleach bath, you lot'll need to choice up the following ingredients:

  • Bleaching pulverization
  • Developer (come across beneath)
  • Shampoo (run across below)
  • Mixing bowl
  • Gloves
  • Tinting Castor
  • Comb
Attractive black lady with yellow blonde curls wearing Beats headphones on the beach.

Choosing Your Shampoo and Programmer

The shampoo and developer you use can make or break your bleach bath. So, we'd like to swoop a bit deeper into how to choose the correct shampoo and developer.

The Right Shampoo

When it comes to shampoos, you tin use just nearly whatsoever regular shampoo you similar equally long as information technology doesn't violate any of these rules:

  • Do non use any clarifying shampoos for this mixture since these are very harsh.
  • Do not apply purple or blueish shampoos. Toning and bleach baths should be done separately. The bleach pulverisation will affect the pigment in the shampoo, reducing its effectiveness.
  • Exercise not use sulfate-free shampoo. It can interfere with the potency of the bleach and deem your bleach bath largely ineffective.
The Correct Developer

There are several developer options to choose from. The stronger the programmer, the higher the concentration of hydrogen peroxide it contains. Developer strengths range from 10 to 50, with 10 existence the weakest and 50 being the strongest.

If you're doing a bleach bath, you probable want to do as little damage every bit possible to your pilus. For this reason, information technology's best to stick with a ten volume developer, especially if you've never bleached before.

Choosing a weak developer will let yous to monitor how your hair handles the treatment. You lot tin can also endeavor xx volume programmer if yous want to go a flake lighter, though it is best not to go whatever higher than this.

African American female wearing a wash n go hairstyle with light brown tips.

Make the Bleach Bath

Once you've got all of your materials together, it's time to do your bleach bath. Here are the steps to follow for the best possible results:

  • Combine the bleach and developer according to the instructions on the bleach packaging. Usually, you lot'll mix one role bleaching pulverisation to one or two parts developer.
    • Dispense the ii ingredients in a plastic or ceramic bowl and combine them thoroughly. Once they are mixed well, it is fourth dimension to add the shampoo.
  • Add shampoo to the mix. Apply the aforementioned corporeality that you'd ordinarily use for washing your hair. You can use a bit more than if you desire to dilute the mixture, though besides much could be messy.
  • Mix the three ingredients thoroughly with a plastic spoon or tinting brush. Once information technology'south mixed, you lot're gear up to beginning applying your bleach bath.

Fix Your Bleaching Area

To get your bleaching area gear up, you'll need to:

  • Put on a pair of gloves. This protects your easily from the chemicals in the mixture.
  • Department your hair for easier awarding. Secure each of the sections with a pilus tie or clip.
  • Put on old clothing to avoid staining your best attire.
  • Lay old towels down on any counters or floors. This will preclude any spills from damaging these surfaces, plus information technology makes cleanup easier.
Cute girl wearing a plaid shirt and jean shorts with dark brown curls on a kinky wash n go hairdo.

Wet Your Pilus

Once your surface area is gear up, and you've got your supplies on hand, it's fourth dimension to dampen your pilus. Dampening your hair dilutes the bleach bath mixture, farther protecting your curls from impairment.

Your hair should non be dripping, or the bleach bathroom volition drip off of your hair along with the water. Afterward wetting your hair, employ a microfiber towel to soak upward whatever backlog moisture.

Apply the Bleach Mixture

Once you lot've mixed up your bleach bathroom ingredients, it's time to use the mix to your hair. The application procedure is easier than you may call back, and here'south what you need to do to get it right.

  • Apply the bleach to the lesser ¾ of the hair, working your mode through section past section. Avoid the roots until you've coated every strand. This is a necessary step because the roots will bleach quicker. If washed first, they will cease up lighter than the ends.
  • Use an applicator brush or your gloved hands to work the mixture into your hair for better coverage. Combing the bleach bath through the hair is another option – do whatever works all-time for you.
  • Use the bleach closer to the roots. Massage it into the pilus and avoid rubbing information technology into your scalp. If you rub the bleach bath into your scalp, it could cause irritation, with symptoms such as called-for, redness, and itching.
Stunning black girl with dark brown natural hair colour that's been dyed lighter with a full bath treatment.

Wait for the Bleach Bath to Work

Subsequently you've practical the bleach wash to your hair, information technology needs time to develop. You tin can prune your hair up to keep it out of your face during this time. You can also cover information technology with plastic wrap or a shower cap, though this isn't necessary.

The development time can vary, depending on the results you lot're looking for. If you lot're merely trying to lighten your natural hair a bit, you'll leave the bleach bath on for less time than you would if you're trying to fade bogus dye. So, do a progress check every v minutes until you lot've reached your desired shade.

The entire processing fourth dimension may be between 20 to thirty minutes, though it is all-time non to exceed 45 minutes. Staying within these parameters ensures that you avert severe damage, even with the gentler bleach mixture.

Rinse Thoroughly

Once your hair is lightened to the right shade, it's time to rinse. Keep your gloves on and run warm h2o over your pilus until the bleach mixture is gone. Be sure to remove every trace since any remainder can cause further damage.

Rehydrate with Conditioner

Close up of African American woman with dyed curls that are a dark brown natural colour.

In one case your hair is gratis of the bleach bathroom, it'southward all-time to status it. Doing so will help to reduce dryness and restore your hair'southward softness.

Yous can utilise whatsoever regular conditioner that you'd similar. If your hair is especially dry, a deep conditioner or hair mask will add much-needed nutrients and hydration to your pilus.

Note: Black hair is the hardest to bleach due to its darkness. When using a bleach bath, it won't exist blonde later on. It will lighten but to a brownish shade, then don't wait drastic results with this procedure.

If you merely want to go a chip lighter, a single bleach launder may do the trick. But those looking to achieve an even lighter shade may need several treatments.

You lot may be tempted to do your bleach washes dorsum-to-back, just it is all-time to wait a few days to a calendar week between treatments. Doing so will ensure that your pilus has had time to recover before treating information technology again.

Caring for Your Hair Later on a Bleach Bath

Girl with a fun pose in front of a reed wall with dark hair wearing a purple plaid dress shirt.

After a bleach bath, in that location are a few things you can practise to go on it good for you and stiff:

  • Utilise a quality conditioner. In addition to conditioning your hair immediately after the handling, you lot should condition later every launder. Yous can besides employ a deep conditioner every few days to a week if your hair feels super dry.
  • Utilize a leave-in conditioner every twenty-four hour period to help gainsay dryness. It'll protect your tresses from everything your day has in shop for your hair.
  • Get heat-free. Tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons burn and dry out the hair. Too much of this, and your hair will exist frizzy, brittle, and full of carve up ends. Dissentious your hair with estrus following a bleaching session compounds all of these negative estrus effects. If you lot must heat style your hair, take special precautions to protect it as much as possible, like (1) using a heat protectant every time yous pull out your hot styling tools and (2) just passing rut tools over your hair once.

Pros and Cons of Bleach Baths

Cute black female with dark blonde hair wearing a kinky wash n go twist-out hairstyle.

A bleach bath is a useful culling to regular bleaching, though it does have some downsides to consider. The post-obit are the pros and cons of this hair treatment.


  • It is gentler than regular bleaching.
  • It'due south ideal for stripping away permanent or fading color.
  • You tin can dye your hair correct after a bleach bath.
  • It lightens your hair merely a level or two.
  • Fifty-fifty the about inexperienced people tin practise a bleach bath – information technology's simply that easy to utilise.
  • It is suitable for frail hair.


  • Information technology does contain chemicals, and then information technology all the same causes dryness.
  • You lot can't use information technology to go full blonde.
  • The process may result in brassy or orangish pilus that requires toner.
  • Darker colors, similar black, will require multiple sessions for pregnant lightening.

Do's and Don'ts of Bleach Baths

If y'all've decided to try out a bleach bath, at that place are some do's and don'ts to think. Knowing this information will ensure that you get the results you want.

Young female sitting with her legs crossed in front of the beach.

Do'due south

  • Practice perform an allergy test before your showtime bleach bathroom. It requires you to mix upward a pocket-size amount of bleach bath, spread a quarter-sized amount on the inside of your elbow, and examine your skin subsequently 48 hours. If at that place'due south no irritation, don't motility forward with the bleach bath.
  • Practise use 10 volume developer – potent developers tin can lead to lasting damage.
  • Do choose a sulfate shampoo for the mix.
  • Exercise utilise the bleach bath to wet hair.
  • Do cheque the color every five minutes after awarding
  • Do employ a deep conditioner afterwards the treatment


  • Don't use a clarifying or royal shampoo for the mix.
  • Don't expect significant results on night pilus.
  • Don't go out the bleach bath on for longer than 45 minutes.
  • Don't heat fashion your pilus later on unless admittedly necessary.

Alternatives to Bleach Baths

Though a bleach bathroom is a safer pick than total-on bleaching, it isn't the correct pick for anybody. Those who prefer to minimize chemical usage may exist looking for alternatives. Luckily, in that location are a few options for lightening your hair that are safer and more than natural.

Beautiful African American lady with wet hair while walking through the sand at the beach.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C contains citric acrid, which can help lighten your hair color. To do a vitamin C lightening treatment, take the following steps:

  • Vanquish 30 or more vitamin C tablets and mix them with shampoo.
  • Apply the mixture to your pilus in the same fashion as a bleach bath.
  • Afterwards 5 minutes, rinse the mixture out, status, and then keep with your normal hair care and styling routines.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is peachy for bleaching, which is why manufacturers employ it in toothpaste and shampoos. Hither'southward what you demand to practice to lighten your hair with baking soda:

  • Mix ½ cup of blistering soda with warm water to create a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair and let information technology sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it out, shampoo, and condition.
  • Echo the treatment as often as once a week until you take the lighter shade you're looking for.

Lemon Juice

Amidst the best natural bleaching agents out there is lemon juice. It's an excellent alternative to a bleach bathroom. But you should know that it tin can exist somewhat drying, so you shouldn't use it on its own. Instead, practice the following to try it out:

  • Mix a loving cup of fresh lemon juice with some warm h2o or conditioner.
  • Then apply a spray bottle to utilize it to your hair.
  • Once you use the lemon juice to your pilus, expect ii hours for it to piece of work. It's all-time to sit down in the sun while you look since UV rays will react with the lemon juice and boost the lemon juice'south lightening power.

Related Articles

  • Will Bleaching My Hair Ruin Information technology Forever?
  • How to Dye Dark Hair Bluish Without Bleaching
  • Does Toner Damage Hair?
  • How to Slightly Darken Bleached Hair at Home

You now know everything there is to know virtually bleach baths and what makes them useful. We hope that this article makes the bleach bath process easy and wish you the all-time with your new colour change.


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