The Sussex Devils a True Story of the 1980s Satanic Panic Review

Satanic Panic (2019) Poster

6 /x

Camp on a Budget

This is a super campy moving-picture show and Rebecca Romijn really added to that military camp, her costumes alone!!

I saw other people's reviews and they say that they found the start great and and then it went downwards colina but I feel the opposite.

During the first xx i was thinking this was a really cheap student motion-picture show with an unfunny script but so as before long equally Rebecca Romijn shown up I started to capeesh it more.

The script is kinda of wonky too, not so much the dialogue but more similar unfinished plots or just completely dropped plots.

It's quite gory only in a campy manner and so I don't recollect people would mind.

And then even though at times information technology can feel student-y and definitely more and so at the first, I would watch it.

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7 /10

merely the tip

2019 Oak Cliff Film Festival Greetings over again from the darkness. Hail Satan! This is definitely the first screening I've ever been to where those are the words the director used to introduce her movie. Director Chelsea Stardust is quite passionate virtually her flick, and virtually of the audience shared in her enthusiasm afterward experiencing this crazy, wild ride of pizza, secret devil-worshipping societies, virgin sacrifices, campy blood-splattering gore, and upper class hobbies.

Written past noted horror writer Grady Hendrix and Ted Geoghegan, the film introduces us to Samantha (an all-in Hayley Griffith). She's a twenty-something who dreams of Australia, and somehow thinks taking a job delivering pizzas volition become her there. She'southward in such dire straits that she doesn't have the 5 bucks she needs for gas in her Vespa, plus her co-workers stick the new girl with the "no tip" deliveries. I assume there actually are classless people who potent delivery folks, and it's easy to understand why Hayley bangs on the door of a Park Cities mansion after getting the shaft on a v pizza delivery.

Information technology's that knock that transforms Samantha's bad job into a matter of life and death. Rather than interrupting a high society neighborhood tea, she stumbles into a Satanic cult led by Danica (Rebecca Romijn, X-MEN). And approximate what? It'due south virgin sacrifice dark! And guess who qualifies? That's correct ... it's Samantha, our no-tip pizza delivery gal. After a sequence featuring Danica's married man (Romijn's real life husband Jerry O'Connell) and ane of the more gory and impressive applied effects of the film, Samantha manages to escape the hell-house mansion.

Soon she has teamed up with Judi (Crimson Modine), who just happens to be Danica's daughter. Judi's inside knowledge proves quite helpful in finding loopholes for temporary reprieves, although the devil-worshippers stay focused on offering Samantha equally their virgin cede to Baphomet. While all of this is happening, there is a power struggle within the coven between Danica and Gypsy (a wild-eyed Arden Myrin), calculation one more than wheels-off element to this carnival of one-act-horror.

Clearly this is campy, but given the low budget constraints, the motion picture's effects work very well, and Ms. Romijn, Ms. Griffith and Ms. Modine (Matthew'due south daughter) are quite effective in their roles. Information technology's curious only how incredibly naïve Samantha is for her historic period, but this flick isn't really about thinking and analyzing. Instead, sit back and enjoy the wildest ride you are likely to get from a Vespa-driving pizza delivery person (and please tip these folks!)

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3 /10

Non very Satanic, and non much panic...

I wasn't really certain what I was getting myself into when I sat down to watch the 2019 movie "Satanic Panic" from managing director Chelsea Stardust. I had sort of expected a horror comedy.

And sure, the film is labeled as a horror comedy, but it utterly failed on both accounts. I wasn't the to the lowest degree fleck tickled with the events taking place on the screen throughout the movie as the insanely mundane and generic storyline unfurled. It was just atrocious how generic and stereotypical everything in this movie turned out to exist.

"Satanic Panic" offers nix new to the horror genre, and it turned out to be a dead fish in the water sort of movie. The writers sat out to achieve a heap of things with the storyline, but it wasn't a fulfilling experience to watch on the screen.

The acting in the movie was adequate, merely the actors and actresses could exercise nothing to manage to salvage this train wreck that was fast sliding down a very steep loma.

It should be said that the special furnishings section actually managed to practise a fair job with the effects, both practical and CGI. And so that worked well enough in favor of the movie. Just sadly it but couldn't exercise much to salvage everything else that was bad - which was the majority of the picture show.

If you enjoy horror comedies, then there are far, far better choices readily available. I am rating "Satanic Panic" a meager 3 out of 10 stars, because it was a boring movie and it failed to exist horror and it failed to be comedy.

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6 /10

Not bad for this genre.

One-act and horror, information technology's e'er a fragile genre with not alot of good movies. Satanic Panic is just under the expert movies in this genre, information technology'due south worth watching once but I don't need to watch it again in the future. The horror parts were really the funniest parts to me, with a decent amount of well done but funny gore. The cast wasn't bad either, no futurity Oscar winners here but not cringing to watch either. The title for this picture resumes information technology all, it'due south just a bit of fun and horror.

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Absolutely fun!

Not sure if this was suppose to be a satire, comedy or horror, but nevertheless the motion picture kept me entertained. All the characters in this were wacky and fun. Some of the gore effects were pretty cool likewise. Information technology also has Ruby Modine in it from both of the happy expiry twenty-four hour period films. This is just i of those movies to go in blind and have fun with. These bumbling satanists in the flick rule, plus the pizza commitment daughter sticks it to them!! Definitely a crazy and fun moving picture

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7 /ten

A fun ride

Warning: Spoilers

I got to go to the premiere of this low budget horror motion picture called SATANIC PANIC. Honestly, I had no thought what this movie was about. The only thing I knew was that Chelsea Stardust directed it. If you don't know who Chelsea is, she directed an episode called 'All That Nosotros Destroy' on Hulu'south Into the Night series. I didn't like that episode but I liked the way she presented that episode.

This movie at core is a satanic horror comedy which works so well because of the writing. The jokes are genuinely funny and there'southward some commentary almost class. But what works in this movie is the applied effects. The effects are and so amazing! Information technology'due south gory and fun to watch.

The cinematography in this picture is nada new, but what is really expert is the soundtrack. In the Q/A, Chelsea described it every bit a mix betwixt Goblin and John Carpenter and I whole heartedly agree.

What I didn't like in this movie is the editing, certain parts feel too choppy and certain parts feels slow. Null drastic. Some other cistron that worked was Chelsea'due south homage to horror films. From Halloween to Elevate Me to Hell, she takes inspiration and builds on them. You tin see a horror fan made this. When I brand horror films in the time to come, hopefully, this is what information technology'due south gonna look similar. A flick that tells it'south own story but finer pays homage to the ones that came before.

The acting is too really good: Hayley Griffith in her debutant performance substantially holds the flick, Ruby Modine really has some good lines and Rebecca Romjin is kind of okay. The scene stealer however was the character of Gypsy played by Arden Myrin.

I highly recommend everyone to spotter this movie when information technology drops on September 6. It will be overshadowed by It Affiliate 2 just whenever you lot get a chance, do watch it. It's a fun ride.

I requite it a 7/10.

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6 /10

A Wild & Also Uneven Ride

Occult themes, practical FX, retro synth soundtrack... Of form I was looking forward to "Satanic Panic". However, I was ready for but a slightly more powerful punch.

Make no fault, it'south an entertaining horror comedy, with the horror parts, in the sum, being ameliorate than the comedy bits. Can't promise a express joy-out-loud moment, considering for me in that location wasn't ane. The funniest bits are in the 1st half of the movie. A lot of "Satanic Panic" resembles sometime-schoolhouse, starting with, of grade, Practical FX (quite a lot of gore & information technology's practiced), that retro-type synthwave original score, the very theme of witches and covens, and ending with the poster. Then you know, lovers of all this will be more or less happy - I was. The characters are simple and very much clicheic, as is the plot, fifty-fifty though it's going to hide that to the very end at which moment a little voice in your caput might say "Well I approximate that's that". My signal is, I was peckish for a climax that would pinnacle the prior crazy moments in this flick. No matter the characters, the actors and their performances were quite fine. And fun. Probably a little more than fun for horror buffs, because at that place are some familiar faces. On a side note, in the end I was a little disappointed with the main character, I feel similar there could've been more than to her story. As for the visuals, the cinematography was fairly simple, saturated, colorful, low-budget but artistic. The gore was great though, classic, proven to be great kind of stuff. Gotta love the gore.

Let'southward put it this manner - if I dissect "Satanic Panic" into bits and pieces, at that place'due south a lot of flawed ones, but overall it's a swell, fun, no-brakes kind of amusement for anyone who'due south into horror plenty. My rating: half dozen/ten.

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seven /10

Cutting short

Not the running fourth dimension in whatever sense, but this seems like it could accept so much more. Or could have been more and could take been fifty-fifty more fun. However in that location is a lot of proficient ingredients in this, beginning with Rebecca Romijin. She really cherishes in her role equally is her on screen husband (whom yous may know from other stuff) ... as well there will be bunnies (if you are into them).

Simply don't let the bunnies distract you (or maybe they will but there is a long manner to go for them to announced), there are a lot of things happening to our main graphic symbol, things that she might not deserve, but that she has to endure ... how will she cope? You'll have to watch to observe out

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1 /10

Satanic trash is more similar information technology.

To make a horror comedy correctly see: SHAUN OF THE Dead. To make it incorrectly, see this and about 100 gild movies. The horror in this is the terrible script and acting that runs the gamut from terrible to ok. I guess the 3 big names had the weekend off. The comedy? Well, there wasn't any. I didn't laugh one time. Some of the sfx were decent. Another ninety minutes lost to me, forever.

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v /ten

Could have gone so much further, but...

Satanic panic had its moments. Few pretty funny/well made/well acted, and and so many absolutely cringey bad or dull to death. Clearly the movie got worse the longer it went.

1 thing I wonder: where did the flying vulva demon disappear and why didn't it come up back?

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four /10


Im a huge fan of horror movies and slashers. This i is boring. At that place is no story line, only a pizza deliver daughter in the middle of a weird satanic ritual. This movie does no add anything new to the genre, the killings are dumb and the acting pretty bad. Sometimes it looks like a high schoolhouse play. So, make yourself a favor, and do not inquire a pizza here.

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half-dozen /ten

Gory and funny!

Personally,I enjoyed this movie a lot!It had its share of gore and laughs,with smart references to other horror movies,led by a prissy cast with some solid acting. What I didn't like that much to exist honest though,was the ending.The last few minutes spoiled it for me,and hence the 6 and not an fifty-fifty college grade.

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half dozen /10

Starts Better Than It Ends

For the first 30 minutes of Satanic Panic, I was all in. The characters were interesting, the story was plausible in its own wacky style, and the pacing was pretty adept, supplying both some creeps and laughs along the manner. Somewhere by the center of the movie, I found myself scratching my head as things just happen for no reason with very fiddling caption at all. While some of these things are pretty cool (trees in the forest spouting arms and grabbing people like something out of Disney's Snow White), most of them come out nowhere and makes it seem every bit if the writers got bored and started throwing everything in they could recall of just to go on things interesting.

This isn't to say that Satanic Panic is a bad flick. Fifty-fifty in its near disruptive and bizarre moments, it has enough energy and spark for xv other indie horror films.

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4 /10


At best, army camp. And then and so film without much to redeem it. Over the top in a TV sense, but not much more than. If they were trying for laughs, they failed. Been washed before and improve.

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9 /10

Tons of fun!!

This is a winner! We really enjoyed it. Information technology'south the perfect comedy horror! Great script swell acting lots of fun. We were blown abroad. Check it out ASAP!!!

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5 /10

Claret Ritual Gone All Wrong

Nice little horror comedy - expert cast, proficient production and some funny scenes and some claret. Nothing special on the menu but skillful plenty for a piddling snack. Watch if you similar some satanic crazies wanting blood and a pizza delivery girl fighting for her life. Solid contribution to the genre: watch if y'all similar such movies similar Ready or Not, Get out, Yous're Adjacent, The Babysitter, The Strangers, Attack of the Developed Babies etc.

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3 /10


Was expecting manner more, considering 'Fangoria' put there name to this pic, unfortunately it was withal another modernistic solar day fourth dimension waster. Bad script writing, stupid character decisions, bad interim & some horrendous dialogue, which apparently is supposed to be funny.

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10 /ten

I Personally Loved This!

Upon starting this, I was pretty much in understanding with myself information technology was gonna exist absolute rubbish! I was pleasantly surprised! The characters are fun and the story is heady. I'm really glad I stumbled beyond this film.

In my opinion it has a fairly fun, light hearted arroyo to something much darker, at that place in lies the comedy. Some of the scenes are insane and the lead actors fit their parts well.

Information technology's certainly something different and a fine depression budget Horror-Com! Better than nigh others!

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10 /10

Hoping for more horror's like this.

Briefly, I've watched this movie twice generally considering I simply love the characters in information technology. The story has a really nice arch and never has a dull moment. Equally much equally I would like to say more I don't want to give anything away. It's best just to go in blind with this movie. Actually good!

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8 /10

Absolute WOW!!!

Absolute WOW!!!Personally I don't spotter comedies)Just not my thing, merely I absolutely dear horror-comedies, which normally overstep all the boundaries in humor, gore and "politically correct" mod 24-hour interval castrated media. This is one of abovementioned , which delivers on all fronts!!!!!Highly recommended for all,who doesn't like to follow conventional path! Totally enjoyable !!!

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8 /10

Quite a treat to watch

The amount of creativity Stardust put into this pic was pretty high upwardly at that place. Actors were a picayune sub-par, but not all were awkward. Enjoyed this film quite a fleck since at that place was some attempt put forth in actually making a quality movie. You know? I that yous could actually sit through and even consume popcorn.

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5 /x

Could Have Been A True Horror Epic... But It's Missing Some Major Elements... A Great Compassion...

So if you're looking for a comedy horror to watch then let me inform you that there's neither comedy or horror independent in this flick. What y'all do get is an okay story held together with expert acting and boilerplate directing, though well-paced to keep the activity going and keep the audience from being also bored.

With a title similar Satanic Panic, I had to give this a wait-see. Who knows information technology might take been brilliant. Even the fact that Fangoria had gotten involved in the projection was a big draw. It didn't take long for me to start groaning in despair though.

The worst thing about this film is the immature humour. Evidently shouting rude slang virtually sexual organs is riotous... or beingness a completely weird macho arsehole is a express joy-riot. Well, if they'd been handled correctly they might have been. But all I wanted to do was slap the idiots because that'south how they came across - idiotic.

The all-time comedy scene in the film is when Kim escapes the Satanists and runs into their twisted evil offspring. There's a little wordplay, a niggling state of affairs one-act, and a lot of slapstick - though all of this has dark overtones it'south however fun to sentry and made me giggle (the beginning and only time).

The writers, Ted Geoghegan and Grady Hendrix, should take dropped the comedic chemical element and focused and the occult and horror side of things. This is already pretty strong, what with spells being bandage, daemons being summoned, and virgins being impregnated... This could have been a true horror epic of our time - but they tried to be too clever.

Some other thing that needed a lot of attention is the directing. Chelsea Stardust doesn't live up to her precocious name. On the whole, her directing is average. The opening sequence has the feel of a Lost Record pic, which is always a bad thing for me considering the bulk of these films are rubbish and abrasive. So she already strikes against her before we started the story. Luckily enough, for me, she changed to the third-person style, though there was a lot of sloppy shaky camera piece of work. Particularly apparent in crowded scenes equally the cameraman tries to get through the melee. Doesn't anybody use dollies anymore - a nice like shooting fish in a barrel glide works wonders in a lot of scenes?

Simply her biggest shortcoming is the lack of atmosphere. This could have been down to the writing. If they were aiming for a more comedic movie then ambience may not have been what they were wanting. However, there are a lot of scenes where a darker atmosphere would have ramped up the power of the moving-picture show. When Judi Ross is vomiting worms and earth. When the macho arsehole gets to run into his maker... and his entrails. When Baphomet enters the garden political party. These are the major scenes that needed to be darker and broodier, only there are many bottom scenes also. This could have even helped with the comedic side of the story. As comedy always works meliorate when it walks hand-in-hand with tragedy. The one matter Stardust excels at is pacing. The film jogs and sprints at all the right times and helps to keep the audience engaged and bums firmly seated.

Now the cast is superb in their roles and their portrays. I have to say though that information technology was difficult to make out Rebecca Romijn under the caked-on make-upwardly. Her face must have been a few inches thicker. That said, she plays the perfect domineering leader, Danica Ross, who takes no crap and knows how to control her disciples. Jerry O'Connell is at his all-time womanising sleaziness as her hubby Samuel. It'south a shame that he has such a minor role... Blood-red Modine is delicious as their cunning and conniving daughter Judi. Even when she'southward forced to squad up with our heroine your not sure what side she's on. So we take our heroine, Samantha Craft, played past Hayley Griffith. Griffith does a good task with the naivety of the character, but it's this naiveness which causes me a problem. How does anyone be this innocent and gullible today? And the fact that she's supposed to exist a virgin is farfetched... are things that different in America or are they trying to concur on to ideals of the past? Either way, it damages the character and the story since it's a major element to the plot.

At the stop of the day, you have a moving-picture show trying too difficult and missing the target. The acting is enjoyable and the story would be if treated better. Only that's not enough to recommend the film. Is it worth watching on a cold wet day when there's nothing else to watch? At a push mayhap, so only if you lot're interested in acting. This is a real shame. As I said at the beginning of the review, this could have been an epic horror film.

Feel free to pop on over and check my Absolute Horror list come chart to meet where this movie placed or to choose something for your viewing pleasure - you are more than than welcome...

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7 /10

Baphomet needs a virgin

Warning: Spoilers

It turned out to be way funnier than I expected it to exist. The actors were quite good and information technology was a very adept horror comedy. The pizza girl got into an upscale firm to get her tip while the coven within was in the middle of a satanic ritual. They needed a virgin to summon Baphomet and she'southward a virgin. The guy that she was locked with offered him to accept her virginity merely he declined that offer and accidentally shot him in the neck earlier getting raped. She got away and took refuge in another house in which some other girl was about to get killed with a killdo which is a giant dildo driller. The pizza daughter accidentally killed both of them and saved the girl whose mother was the head of the satanic coven and wanted to kill her because she lost her virginity. They both wanted to escape just her mother got them. The pizza guy from the same pizza parlor lured into the house and the caput of the coven pulled his guts out to exercise gut reading to notice out where the girls are. Someone in the coven put a fasten in her skull but she wasn't expressionless and took her revenge and killed her own girl. The salt line was broken and some other superior meanie was summoned which is a piffling daughter and killed them all and let her go. It was really fun and fabricated me laugh a few times.

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six /10

Not quite devilish plenty.

Warning: Spoilers

Horror comedy Satanic Panic kicks off in promising style, with pizza delivery girl Sam Craft (buxom beauty Hayley Griffith) crashing a party of devil worshippers in search of a tip. When the Satanists realise that Sam is a virgin, they have her prisoner with the intention of using her in a ritual to summon demon Baphomet. Sam isn't too happy about this, and with the help of Judi (Cherry-red Modine), daughter of caput occultist Danica (Rebecca Romijn), sets almost trying to spoil their plans.

There'due south a scene in this film where a adult female wearing a huge, rotating drill-bit dildo impales some other woman through the chest, at which betoken I idea I had discovered a really twisted horror gem, i that would only go more and more demented as it progressed; unfortunately, it doesn't. There are still a few fun moments to be had, only null quite every bit outrageous as I had hoped for, making the moving-picture show feel similar something of a disappointment overall.

Jerry O'Connell has a small part as a sleaze-purse who offers to deflower Sam, merely accidentally shoots himself in the cervix; Danica cooks upwards a strange bloodsucking sphincter beast and sends it to observe Sam; Judi pukes up worms; and a demon in the form of a niggling girl makes the Satanists pay dearly for a mistake. All of this is reasonably entertaining, but had director Chelsea Stardust seized the opportunity and allowed the lunacy to escalate to epic proportions, information technology would have been so much more memorable-a bona fide cult classic instead of simply a passable time-waster.

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